Wednesday, October 10, 2012

God is waiting on our Obedience.. but he has so much to show us..

I am sharing some of my Oswald Chambers daily devotion with you today.  It is one of those Aha moments...  sometimes...we sit and we ponder things forever, and we wonder when is God going to reveal, this or that to us,  well please read ahead, this is written in the late 1800, it amazes me... how God is so good and how he has a NOW word everyday for us...  Basically we will remain stuck if we do not move out in obedience in what God has already shown us.  This is my is the short of what I got from reading this... 

You are either in the light or not in obedience or disobedience... In rebellion or in submission in belief or unbelief there is not time to think about it. All God’s revelations are sealed until they are opened to us by obedience. . You will never get them open by philosophy or thinking. 

"All God’s revelations are sealed until they are opened to us by obedience. You will never get them open by philosophy or thinking. Immediately you obey, a flash of light comes. Let God’s truth work in you by soaking in it, not by worrying into it. The only way you can get to know is to stop trying to find out and by being born again. Obey God in the thing He shows you, and instantly the next thing is opened up. One reads tomes on the work of the Holy Spirit, when one five minutes of drastic obedience would make things as clear as a sunbeam. "I suppose I shall understand these things some day!" You can understand them now. It is not study that does it, but obedience. The tiniest fragment of obedience, and heaven opens and the profoundest truths of God are yours straight away. God will never reveal more truth about Himself until you have obeyed what you know already. Beware of becoming "wise and prudent."  Oswald Chambers

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Plan B is God Best Quit being upset and appreciate it

Last night our family got to witness a God Lesson first hand.  What I love the most about it is that he worked it out through our son Lucas, and he will be able to look back at this at a time in his life to draw from when he is older.  Lucas has been busting his butt all summer, I think even before summer, the first time he could get into that Basha gym and meet those Basha coaches, maybe even last summer, working out, going to football camps.  Talking about A team B team... what ever, yeah I know the A team is suppose to be better... not putting anyone down here.. this is just what happened for us... I mean  what 14 year old get's up at 5:30am in the summer and goes to the gym at school and lifts, etc.  We have this philosophy in our parenting, not sure if it's right, i will take that back I know it is.  We have never asked for a certain teacher for our kids, and we have never been the kind of parent to hang around at practices, Luke has been playing ball since he was 7 and some years 2 seasons he has had probably 10 different coaches, we let Luke's actions speak for themselves.  We don't ask the coach can you put him on A team, we have never trained our children to whine about what they want, we say go out there and show that coach what you can do.  I told Lucas just keep showing up, even if your the only one who always shows up, you keep showing up and don't complain.  Because, God's the one who is ultimately in charge, not the coach, not the teacher, really not even mom and dad, and he will honor your commitment, and He is gonna place you were you are gonna be a blessing and where you are gonna be blessed the most.  Luke got picked to be on the B team, he was devastated, at first because he felt it was because he was not good enough for A team.  On B Team opening game Lucas was a captain, ran 2 touchdowns, he plays offense, defense, he is never on the sidelines, just to get a picture of what his games look like:)

Last nights game Luke dressed out with the A team he went in for 8 plays, his linebacker coach kept wanting to send him in for more, but was getting overwritten.  Luke was frustrated, because the A team kept giving up so many points, and were playing a very non-cohesive game.  At one time, the kid with his same postion, forgot to run on the field for the whole play, while Luke stood there just watching.  The A team lost.  When we picked Luke up, he was really frustrated, but he said one thing that really stuck out, I don't count that as my LOSS, MY HEART IS WITH MY UNDEFEATED B TEAM!!  
It gave him a chance to see how thankful he was for his team, and how well they play together, he says the people at his school think that the B team is the better team, and who knows.  Who knows what A and B mean, I just want my kids both to know that their security is not from what a team is labeled and not what they are called or not, but is because they belong to GOD!!  and I am so thankful to GOD for bringing this down to his level.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What we need to survive God and Girlfriends

When we are in the valley we need to pull on what we learned on the mount the power that all heaven and earth belong to Jesus, we can not be skeptical to it, it goes with us everyday... That Sunday lesson, out morning God time, but we must continually be living in the word, to sustain, a prescence driven life, or we will shrivel up and die, yes, the mountain top experiences, sustain, us, push us, on, but it is our daily personal life, where we put in the word of God, the bread of life, the actually alive living holy word of God, that brings life to our body and healing to our bones, it bears witness to the spirit in us, and makes it stand up at attention, and say YES I will not Fear, this is the Day that the Lord has made, this is the Monday the Tuesday, the Wednesday we must keep feeding our spirit,... We must also feed our spirit by fellowshiping with the saints... It is so important that we don’t isolate ourselves... And get picked off one by one... It is so easy to want to stay home, and not go to church not go to bible study, not even go out with your girlfriends, but I tell you right now ladies, it is important we need each other, so the next time you are sad and lonely and want to stay that way, make sure you reach out and sew some friendship, it will make a big difference... Girlfriends, need each other.  What we stick around we will get, so if we stay around our lonely self we will continue to get our lonely self... Get out there and fellowship and live again, there is a whole world waiting to be rediscovered, the PAST is dead, and don’t let anyone, including yourself keep you in a false prison cell.  You are FREE, fly little birdie fly...

Monday, September 17, 2012

New Beginnings Embracing NOW...NO MORE EXCUSES!!

Some of my favorite things are empty... a new calendar, a new journal, a new day, a new notebook, children not empty in the sense but eager to learn. Myself, as I empty myself out, and wait to see what adventure God will bring me on NEXT.  And I love to buy gel pens, or colored markers, and write in those calendars, and journals, and note books, I have way too many to count, filled with so many ideas, and goals, and stories. Some filled with deep, deep heart wrenching prayers, that would make anyone I know question my own sanity, make my own self question it.  Some filled with the highest of joys of the most knock me over I couldn't believe revelations, that I call life changing, messing with my theology moments, that will never be taken away from me.  These are the places that hold my stories, they are tucked in drawers, and baskets, and hidden on shelves, I am not shy, who sees or reads them.

I love the New Beginnings, I love to write out the Goals, I love to proclaim the goodness of what God wants to do in Me, and with this world around me, and through me, and through those I love.  There is one thing though, that keeps gnawing at my soul, that keeps my spirit sadden.. it is those books, that continue, to not get filled, and I continue, to buy NEW Ones, and NEW Pretty PENs, and Start OVER... I seem to think I will write these Goals Again.. that is the trick.. I most have been doing this for 39 - 13 yrs for the past 26 years, at least 2 to 3 times a year... 52 times.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Vulnerable look into my day on Sunnybrook

God I want to leave a legacy to my kids, I know I can’t do it in my own strength, I know I can’t do it for anyone but you, I know I can’t do it.. To make them happy, I know I can’t do it to get approval, but God, I have to do stuff, I have to have a life, I don’t have one, I want a life, I am not sure what you are after in me, I am not sure what this bit of me proving myself, of me shining, of me, getting approval, or doing it, or showing Ben, I can do it, or Lucas, or Teagan I can do it or anyone but you.

I guess, I need to show no one I can do anything, I should just be, I am trying, I guess that is what I am doing wrong still I am trying still to do something, I am trying to have a PLAN.  

Ok no plan of mine... You are the planner, I keep trying to have this plan this schedule, find the magic formula, 1 +2 +3 find this great fix, and it will all come together, and all the angels will sing great hallelujahs, and smoke will fill up the room, and you will bless it, you mean that is not how it happens, come on, you gotta be kidding me...  I working so hard at figuring out the RIGHT WAY ALL THE STINKING TIME... 

Wake up there is no right way, there is only the fishes and the loaves, the breaking up of my mistakes, my little, my weakness, my less, my everyday, of I don’t know hows, and you know how to do everything, you come down, to pick me up everyday, you never shy away from my brokenness, you never are afraid of how yucky how messy I get you still love me, you never are afraid of how deep I think I have gone, you come right after my heart, and you grab, with all your might, as soon, as you see me turn you lounge, for me, and embrace, me, your love is overwhelming, your love, washes, every place, that I could not even imagine, that it could touch, in an instance, you turn my hopelessness, into a fountain of joy... You amaze me God... You are Amazing... I am in awe of you, in awe of you, you do not deny your loving kindness... You are amazing!!!

This is the legacy you want to leave your children :show them how to take what they do have to God and let them watch how God uses it to feed the multitudes, not to show them you can do everything in your own strength.  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Upcoming this week projects for Yellow Farm House... Pottery Barn Chicken Wire Pendent Lamp Knock off...  How to cover the thermostat, with picture on hinges,  and is it to much or just enough decor... Help us decide... RENOVATING A FARMHOUSE, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM LEFT TO RIGHT INSIDE OUT.. BY OUR BARE HANDS, WITH OUR KIDDOS, AND WANT YOU TO ENJOY THE ADVENTURE WITH US, MAKING OLD NEW AGAIN, AND BRINGING GOOD VALUES, MANNERS,  AND CONSISTANT, LOVING RELATIONSHIPS BACK TO SIMPLIFY OUR FAMILY LIFE....DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW US...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Yellow Farm House Sunnybrook Lane : New Blog Give Away!!! TRUE LOVE SUBWAY ART

Yellow Farm House Sunnybrook Lane : New Blog Give Away!!! TRUE LOVE SUBWAY ART: THE first 25 people who follows blog, and likes it I will put them in a drawing for this  TRUE LOVE ORIGINAL SUBWAY ART..  and ship it to t...

This is the original TRUE LOVE SUBWAY ART... winner after 25 people join to follow blog... let it be a reminder... for you to LOVE YOURSELF...LISTEN TO YOUR HEART....TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF...

New Blog Give Away!!! TRUE LOVE SUBWAY ART

THE first 25 people who follows blog, and likes it I will put them in a drawing for this
 TRUE LOVE ORIGINAL SUBWAY ART..  and ship it to the winner:)

Hello adventurous.. daring Homemakers ... did anyone take my challenge???  Did you take time and put yourself first, and actually ask yourself, what does my HEART want??  Not easy is it...but I told you if you started on this ADVENTURE... and took the RISKS...YOU WOULD EMBARK ...ON AN EXCITING AND REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE...  and find out what God really intended for you and your HEART... or you could just keep doing what you are doing and getting what you are getting... But if you expect DOING WHAT YOUR DOING AND GETTING DIFFERENT RESULTS THAT IS INSANITY ACCORDING TO BEN FRANKLIN, THAT MIGHT ANSWER ALOT OF YOUR QUESTIONS... IT SURE DID MINE... I KEPT DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER, AND DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY NOTHING HAPPENED...

Think of this, God created the human body as an example to us, the human heart must pump blood to itself first to survive, or it will not work, that is why we must find out WHAT OUR HEART IS IN NEED OF FIRST OR WE WILL NOT BE OF ANY GOOD TO ANYONE... ONE MORE EXAMPLE... PLEASE IF YOU ARE TRAVELING ...WITH YOUNG CHILDREN... GIVE YOURSELF THE OXYGEN MASK FIRST... then give it to your child... AGAIN GREAT EXAMPLE, IF YOU ARE NOT GIVING YOURSELF WHAT YOU NEED TO LIVE, THEN THOSE AROUND YOU WHO NEED YOU WILL NOT GET ANYTHING FROM YOUR LIFE..

take time for you make sure you follow me once we hit 25 followers I will put them in the drawing and will do it that day for the winner

Friday, August 17, 2012

Making a Home and Home Making~ Adventure

     Adventure, I have decided, that making a home and  home making are adventures... both very different.  I like the word adventure, it's meanings include 'an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks'... CHECK  'the encountering of risks'... CHECK 'an exciting and remarkable experience'... CHECK and lastly 'an enterprise involving financial risk'...  CHECK. 

   So I hope you join me on this Adventure, if you dare, if you are ready for some fun, some tears, some encouragement, some laughter.  Mostly you will feel at home, and you will feel validated, you feel understood, you will hopefully find a place that adds to your ADVENTURE. 

My number one core value, bit of advice, rule of thumb, base it all on, back it up, personally, and this Yellow Farm House on Sunnybrook Lane..about making a home..first starts with you.. who ever you are. So if you are a single woman, a married woman, a teenager, a dad, a man, doesn't matter even if you live alone.  Making a HOME, has to do with who you are in your heart, and you can and should be caring for that place every day, because out of it Flows the Fountain of Life.

Take a minute or two today a get quiet a listen and see if you can hear, what your own heart wants...write it down, see if you are surprised, see if it was easy or not??